the path to success

Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard

Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard!



Hello everyone! Welcome to a new post on Learning Life Daily. Last week was a romantic week filled with fun and excitement. New gifts, surprises, promises, candle-light dinners, long-drives, proposals, marriages, renewal of marriage vows- Valentine’s Day saw it all. Not only was it celebrated among couples but also single friends who got together and joined in the spirit of this love-fest season. Well, talking about my life, recently, I caught up with my friends over a cup of coffee. While conversing with them, I got to know that one of my friend failed to get a promotion in her job in spite of being very talented and at the top of her game. So, what exactly happened? Another person who had worked hard, day in and day out, got promoted. There wasn’t any difference in the calibre of my friend or her colleague who got the promotion. So, what was it that got the other person the promotion? Can hard work bear fruits even when your talent isn’t in its best form? Why isn’t talent alone enough to bear fruits? Why do we need to work hard? Read further to unlock yet another mystery about life.

Hard work and talent go hand-in-hand. Yes that is true! But, you also need to know one thing that being talented, having the skills, potential, and calibre won’t suffice. You need to put in efforts to reach your goals. You just can’t sit there, wait and totally depend on your calibre to do the needful. Just like a car requires fuel to keep it running, similarly your potential and skills require efforts to keep you going and reach your destination. Let me explain this to you with the help of an example or a short story:

There are two people, Rahul and Sahil. Sahil, is a shy, reticent person who is a bookworm. He slogs all day long to pass with flying colours. While, on the other hand, Rahul is the naughty, mischievous and carefree student. And yet, he always manages to arrive in the list of toppers. No one really knows how Rahul does that but then when it comes to exams, he can get serious. Right from the start of the term, Sahil prepares for the exams. Even though they are months away, he doesn’t waste a single day or a single minute, and studies with true endeavour. Contrarily, Rahul, the happy-go-lucky chap flips through the pages of his book, just a few days prior to the examination. Why? Because he is supremely talented. He does not put in any efforts or study throughout the year. Cartoons, video games, and hanging out with friends is his mission. Just few days before the exams is all it takes for Rahul to prepare and score high grades. Ultimately, both score a distinction and the same rank. Sometimes, Rahul would manage to defeat Sahil and score more than he did.  They both stay in the top 10 rankers and are proud of their achievements. In fact, Rahul’s talent surpasses all boundaries and he tops the 10th board exams as well. All the professors and students are in awe of his knack for last-minute studies and know he will turn out to be very successful someday.

Thereafter, once they complete their high school, they both move to different colleges are pursuing the same course. Rahul was focussed on having a carefree personality and a handsome appearance. A terribly bad phase of life started chasing him, but he didn’t realize it. He tried everything- smoking, hanging out with a bad company of friends, and bunking lectures. Being a human, he found peer-pressure hard to resist. This distracted him from his goals and objectives. He never found time for studies, assuming that his talent of studying at the eleventh hour would help him do the needful. While Sahil used time as his biggest weapon and studied from time to time. Just few days before the exam, Rahul wasn’t able to understand anything. He tried everything: running helter-skelter for notes, asking friends for help, and trying to contact lecturers. Still he had faith in his ‘talent’. When the results were out, he was left devastated. The same Rahul who scored distinction and even raced ahead of Sahil in school, had now scored a second-class in the 12th boards. What a shame! On the contrary, Sahil, the hardworking student still maintained his reputation of being a distinction-holder.

So, what was the difference? Rahul hardly worked, while Sahil worked hard. My dear friends, from this example, I would like to tell you that calibre and talent are supposed to be our strength. But, that does not mean you misuse it. Talent may help you at times. I repeat, at times! Not every time! It can’t deliver optimum results without efforts. No matter what you do in life, hard work is essential. Even in the case of my friend who missed her promotion, it was all because she hadn’t put in the right efforts and took her talent for granted. If you put in an adequate amount of efforts from the bottom of your heart towards your desired goals, you can surely deliver your best performance. You may happen to be the most talented person in the vicinity or in your group, but without hard work, it would be of no use. Laziness can kill the best performer in you.

Now, the next time you are required to perform a task at home, school, college, work, or anywhere else, do not be lazy. Work hard and give it all you have. The fruits of your hard work will be sweeter than ever. So, if you liked reading this article, then give it a thumbs up by hitting the like button. Do share this article with your family and friends. Tell them the importance of hard work to boost talent. Also; it would be wonderful if you could give me your feedback, and tell me what you thought about this post in the comment section below. If you have any suggestions and want me to write on a particular topic of your choice, then go ahead and tell me that as well. Do not forget to follow my blog. I will continue posting interesting articles. Thank you so much for your precious time! Until next time, have a great day people and happy reading!